Tower-based Blu-ray Duplicators

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Manual Blu-ray Tower Duplicators from Media Supply

Manual Blu-ray duplicators are a great solution for anyone looking to burn and copy Blu-ray Discs. Here's why:

Low Initial Cost
When comparing systems with the same number of recorder drives, manual duplicators have a lower purchase price than automated duplicators. This means you get more burn for your buck.

Standalone Operation
Standalone operation means that you don't have to tie up your PC when you need to copy a Blu-ray. Can you afford to occupy a large percentage of your computer's resources for the time it takes to burn 25GB to a single BD-R? I know I can't. Our one and four drive Microboards Copywiter Pro duplicators are affordable systems, perfect for moving Blu-ray copying off your PC. Of course, if you require PC connectivity, our Blu-ray OmniTowers and Microboards Quic Disc towers allow you to connect your PC via USB 2.0 and burn files to the first recorder drive, while the Microboards CopyWriter Pro and Vinpower Digital Blu-ray tower duplicators feature an USB 2.0/3.0 connection to PC that allows you to drag and drop files to the duplictor's hard drive.

Multiple Copies every Burn Cycle
Most automated Blu-ray duplicators only feature one or two recorder drives. Tower duplicators allow you to make up to 10 copies in one burn cycle. If you need even more discs, Microboards CopyWriter Pro NET-20 system allows you to daisy-chain multiple systems together, exponentially increasing your production capacity.